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Rise to meet the tide

I'm proud to be involved in ✨RISE TO MEET THE TIDE ✨2019

RISE TO MEET THE TIDE is a free music concert with inspiring speakers, held in Noosa, QLD, aimed at raising awareness about Climate Change and at providing solutions. ⠀

✨I’m the Self Empowerment Speaker and the title of my talk; ‘Take Back the Power of Your Life to YourSelf... and Make a Real Impact'.⠀

✨I am giving Michael's book 'Absolute Happiness' away as a free ebook download for a limited time, on to raise awareness of our work and his legacy.

✨Our mission is to raise consciousness on a global scale and enrich and transform people's lives. Please share this post to invite your family and friends and join in with this mission.⠀

✨The event is on Sunday the 27th of October at Lions Park in Noosa, from 12 midday to 6 pm. My talk is on at 1 pm and it will be live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube Live. ⠀

✨To tune in please go to the Facebook page Rise To Meet The Tide to join this event live as it happens. There will be wonderful bands and other presenters!⠀

✨See you there 💫

(Edited to add - the live event can be viewed here)

Sponsors: Noosa Council Island Energy QLD ZERO emissions_omissions & Noosa Biosphere Reserve Foundations
Entertainment: David Flower Band, The Moonsets, The Barleyshakes Oh Harlow Mark Maroney JC & the Tree